Monday, October 1, 2012

A Letter to that Kid I used to Love.

I don't know if it's just the weather, but I start to think of you..
... and what we would've had. oving_space.gif

I used to dream we'd elope together. When we were older, of course. To Las Vegas, yes.
I imagined being married, you and I. Painting our ceiling fans and me kissing you with paint still in our hair.

I would imagine traveling with you. We would see how many different libraries we could make out in around this planet. We would have seen how many librarians would kick us out.

And, when we would have babies, you would read to them- Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, and The Chronicles of Narnia. And I would have attempted to sew them their creepy little Halloween costumes. And you would have let them draw all over your face and neck with markers like that super cool Uncle of yours does. I know you would because I know you. Because we were in love.

But I would have known you'd be sad sometimes. But I would have made you smile. Because, I know that you'd look at my eyes and my orthodontist's work of a smile, and you can't help it. Because you know me. Because you loved me.

I wanted, someday, to bury my face into your hair. Then I could drink in the color of coffee...   without breaking the word of wisdom. Because with hair like yours, who needs coffee? With you, who needs caffeine?

I wanted to take your phone messages for you. "No, I'm sorry, he is unavailable at the moment. Can I take a message?" Why, yes, uhhu, this is his wife. Why yes, we are in love.

I wished we'd go to the zoo together. But we couldn't hold hands in that sunlight. And we couldn't have held tall, colorful balloons either. Because I'd be pushing the stroller and you'd be chasing down our boy with the wildest curls in the park. Vice Verse. We'd loose him twice just at the gorillaz exhibit alone. Which we would have expected, because he's just as wild as you.

I would have hoped to be wrapped in your pretty revolting thrifted sweater and be so warm. And feel your love. I wanted to climb under blankets and sheets and comforters and afghans and any cover we could find and be next to you, on a day much colder day than this one. I would have wished to sleep in with you. Not have sex with you or anything like that, I just wanted you holding me in the early morning and for me to feel the warmth of your body beside the warmth of mine. That's what I would have wanted.

Would have, could have...

And you probably know that I could never finish this post completely. Because you know me. Because we used to be in love.


Sariah May said...

Why yes, we are in love.

I don't know why, but I absolutely love that line. It's so simple, but means so much to me.
Love this post. Great job.

Unknown said...

Love love love this post. Love the way you write. Love your thoughts and feelings.

Nelson said...

"I would have known you'd be sad sometimes." #stolen

Evelyn Asher Puriri said...

I stole this whole letter.

I'll send it to him, with a stamp& a snide signature at the end.

I'll tell him you wrote it, for me, for him.

Because he IS that kid.

William Lee Barefield III said...

This basically got me excited to find a wife....

William Lee Barefield III said...

This got me excited to find a wife...

Eleanor said...

"With you, who needs caffeine?" LOVEE this line.

Anonymous said...

This is what love is.

Unknown said...

I was listening to melancholy hill while I was reading this and I started to cry.

p.s I love your writing, I know your dream to teach english will come true.

p.p.s I bet that boy had the exact same dream.

Dick Tidrow said...

I'm writing my own version of this, if you don't mind, because this is just too good. Also I'm adding make out in a library to my bucket list.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam. said...

I freaking love this whole thing so so much.
So beautiful.
So personal.
So so brilliantly written.

Love this, love you.

The end.

Unknown said...

Mort Rainey,
thank you for posting on my blog. Your comment means so much.

Thank you, Mort.

I love you too.

Sky Trillion said...

TOO MUCH TOO MUCH. Ohhhhh I love it.

Nelson said...

I just read this in class today.

My favorite part:

I wanted to take your phone messages for you. "No, I'm sorry, he is unavailable at the moment. Can I take a message?" Why, yes, uhhu, this is his wife. Why yes, we are in love.

Captain Blaire said...

I kind of really love this.

Savannah said...

I'm dyinnnnggg.

Insolence is Bliss said...

"Why yes, we are in love."

Charlie Blue said...

This was good, it made me cry